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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Righteous review of Uzma's new book

And the reviews just keep ticking along...

This one is from a blog that shadows the Man Asian Prize and hence reviews each of the 15 books on the longlist. The reviewer is quite gushing, which is nice, although there are some spoilers here... Can't be helped I suppose, and it's the result of an excess of enthusiasm so it's tough to get too annoyed. As for the aforementioned enthusiasm, check this out:

"Dealing with themes of forgiveness and revenge—base human emotions that we all experience, Thinner Than Skin is a layered, complex and mature novel from a writer at the height of her powers. It is perfectly constructed, both structurally and thematically, devoid of unnecessary words and ideas. Khan is in control of the language she uses to tell her story, leaving the reader blown away both by the power of the English language to describe both the natural and the internal."

Woo-hoo! Now that's pretty nice. Clearly this fellow has been paying attention, so let's hope he has the ear of the Prize committee. (Which he does not, actually. I know that. I'm just funnin' ya, as my father used to say...)

For more about the book, check out its Amazon page.

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