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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Great review from ForeWord Reviews

Hey folks, happy December. Hope you're enjoying the snow...

You know what I love about winter in New England? Flocks of Canada geese parked along the side of the road, taking a rest in fields before winging on their way. Just hanging out, catching their breath, getting ready to move on. I saw this on Thursday morning, driving home from work, and I saw a smaller group again today. It always cheers me.


Those fine, fine folks over at ForeWord Reviews--a magazine and web site, for those of you unfamiliar with it--have seen for to give an enthusiastic thumbs-up to An Age of Madness, for which I am grateful. Reviews have been slow this time around, but the ForeWord folks display their typical canniness and discrimination in their Winter 2013 issue when they say, among other things:

"The book's greatest strengths lie in solid character development, the skillful creation of a distinctive voice, and a deliberate approach to plot revelation that rivals the best books of the mystery genre."

Well, thanks! That all sounds great. There is much more too, but I don't want to quote anything at length as they review has not yet appeared online, nor has the Winter 2013 issue yet been released as far as I know.

If you're curious, check out the ForeWord web site--you're bound to come across some interesting books. They seem cast their reviewer's net a bit further than most, which is something I value these days.

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