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Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm reading the eBook as you read this...


Just got the e-file of the eBook and I'm going through it now, word by word, punctuation mark by punctuation mark. I'm proud to say that 83 pages in, I have discovered exactly 7 errors, one of which was an omitted period, one of which was an extra period, two of which were omitted quotation marks, etc. So the proofreading I did in a blur last month seems to have gone pretty well, at least through the first four chapters.

However--there is an odd quirk to the e-file conversion that left out the space break between words whenever a single word was italicized. So instead of someone saying "I never did that!" you have, "I neverdid that!" or whatever. It's odd, and it doesn't happen every time I use italics, just enough times to be noticeable and annoying. So I'll have to fix those moments too.

I hope to be done on Monday and the e-file will be corrected soon thereafter. And then hey, kids, I'm done. With luck it'll be up on Amazon et al in a week. Fingers crossed...

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